Item |
Indian |
China |
Pakistan |
Human development Index (value) |
0.640 |
0.752 |
0.562 |
Rank (based on HDI) |
130 |
86 |
150 |
Life Expectancy at Birth (years) |
68.8 |
76.4 |
66.6 |
Means years of Schooling (% aged 5 and above) |
6.4 |
7.8 |
8.6 |
GDP per capita (PPP US$) |
6,427 |
15,309 |
5,035 |
People below poverty line( at $3.20 a day PPP) (%) (2011) |
60.4 |
23.5 |
46.4 |
Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births) |
34.6 |
8.5 |
64.2 |
Maternal Mortality Rate (per 1 lakh births) |
174 |
27 |
178 |
Population using Improved Sanitation (%) |
44.2 |
75 |
58.3 |
Population with sustainable access to improved water source (%) |
94 |
96 |
91 |
Percentage of Undernourished Children |
37.9 |
8.1 |
46.4 |