From the above information calculate National income by expenditure method. |
1948 2000 1642 1758 |
1758 |
GDP at MP (by Expenditure Method)≡ C + Ι + G +Change in stock+ X – M where C=the aggregate final consumption expenditure on the goods and services produced by the firm I= the aggregate final investment expenditure incurred by other firms on the capital goods produced by firm G=the aggregate expenditure that the government makes on the final goods and services produced by firms X= the export revenues M=Imports Made Change in Stock =Closing Stock-Opening Stock= 35-30=5 tHEREFORE, GDP at MP (by Expenditure Method)= 397+764+919+28-50+5=2063 GNP at MP ≡ GDP at MP + Net factor income from abroad =2063-200=1863 NNP at MP ≡ GNP at MP – Depreciation=1863-100=1763 NNP at Factor Cost (National Income)= NNP at MP – Net indirect taxes (Indirect taxes – Subsidies) =1763 - (50-45) =1763-5 =1758 NNP at Factor Cost (National Income)=1758