Practicing Success

Target Exam





Indian Society: Demographic Structure of Indian Society


Malthus was also criticised by liberal scholars. The reason for this criticism was___________. Identify by the correct statement.


For linking poverty to population growth

For asserting that poverty was caused by population growth

For linking poverty to economic inequality

For linking poverty to social inequality

Correct Answer:

For asserting that poverty was caused by population growth


Malthus’s theory was influential for a long time. But it was also challenged by theorists who claimed that economic growth could outstrip population growth. However, the most effective refutation of his theory was provided by the historical experience of European countries. The pattern of population growth began to change in the latter half of nineteenth century, and by the end of the first quarter of the twentieth century these changes were quite dramatic. Birth rates had declined, and outbreaks of epidemic diseases were being controlled. Malthus’s predictions were proved false because both food production and standards of living continued to rise despite the rapid growth of population. Malthus was also criticised by liberal and Marxist scholars for asserting that poverty was caused by population growth. The critics argued that problems like poverty and starvation were caused by the unequal distribution of economic resources rather than by population growth. An unjust social system allowed a wealthy and privileged minority to live in luxury while the vast majority of the people were forced to live in poverty.