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Target Exam





Biodiversity and Conservation


What is the main significance of sacred groves in India?


Protection of threatened species

Aesthetic pleasure

Artificial plant breeding only

Preservation of forest patches around places of worship

Correct Answer:

Preservation of forest patches around places of worship


(d) forest patches around the places of worship

Sacred groves in India are forest patches or natural areas that are considered sacred and are protected due to their religious or cultural significance. They are typically found around places of worship, temples, or other religious sites. Sacred groves are revered by local communities and are considered as abodes of deities or spirits.

These forested areas are protected by traditional beliefs and cultural practices, and human activities within sacred groves are restricted to maintain their sanctity. As a result, sacred groves often serve as important ecological refuges, providing habitats for various plant and animal species. They can function as mini-biodiversity hotspots, supporting a diversity of flora and fauna, including threatened species.

The conservation of sacred groves is an example of in situ conservation, where natural habitats are preserved in their original locations, and human activities are limited to ensure the protection of biodiversity and the cultural heritage associated with these sacred sites.