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Target Exam





Medieval India: Peasants, Zamindars and the State


What is the meaning of the term 'do-fasla' in the context of agriculture in medieval India?


raising of minimum of two crops in a year.

kaccha road of two yard between the fields own by two farmers

raising of maximum two crops in a year

leaving of a field vacant for some time after raising two crops for the soil to regain fertility naturally.

Correct Answer:

raising of minimum of two crops in a year.


In Medieval India, agriculture was organised around two major seasonal cycles, the Kharif (autumn) and the rabi (spring). This would mean that most regions, except those terrains that were the most arid or inhospitable, produced a minimum of two crops a year (do-fasla), whereas some, where rainfall or irrigation assured a continuous supply of water, even gave three crops.