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Target Exam





Ancient India: Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings


Read the passage and answer the question:

Buddha's message spread across the subcontinent and beyond-through central Asia to China, Korea and Japan and through Sri Lanka, across the seas to Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia. Historians have tried to reconstruct details of his life from Buddhist texts and hagiographies.

According to these traditions, Siddhartha, as the Buddha was named at birth, was the son of a chief of the Sakya clan. He had a sheltered upbringing. His first journey into the world outside was traumatic. Abandoning extreme methods, he meditated and attained enlightenment and known as the Buddha.

How did Siddhartha get enlightenment?


By meditating

By extreme methods

By asking questions from other saints

By going back to his palace to live with his family

Correct Answer:

By meditating


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