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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following is a cattle fair celebrated in the state of Himachal Pradesh?


Ashwin Mela

Doongri Festival

Nalwari Fair

Manimahesh Fair

Correct Answer:

Nalwari Fair


The correct answer is Option (3) - Nalwari Fair

The Nalwari Fair is a traditional cattle fair celebrated in the state of Himachal Pradesh, India. It is one of the most significant events in the region, particularly in the districts of Bilaspur, Una, and Hamirpur. The fair typically takes place in the month of March or April.

The Nalwari Fair has a rich cultural and historical significance in Himachal Pradesh. It serves as a platform for local farmers, traders, and cattle owners to come together to buy, sell, and trade livestock, particularly bullocks and buffaloes. The fair also features various cultural events, performances, and competitions, including folk music, dance, and sports activities, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Historically, the Nalwari Fair was initiated by the erstwhile rulers of the region to facilitate trade and commerce, especially in cattle, and to promote social cohesion among different communities. Over the years, it has evolved into a major cultural event that attracts visitors from across the state and beyond.

The Nalwari Fair provides an opportunity for farmers and cattle breeders to showcase their prized animals, negotiate deals, and participate in friendly competitions. It also serves as a social gathering where people come together to celebrate their cultural heritage, exchange ideas, and strengthen community bonds.

Overall, the Nalwari Fair is an integral part of Himachal Pradesh's cultural landscape, reflecting the region's agrarian traditions, rural economy, and vibrant social life. It continues to be celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor, preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the state.