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Target Exam



Legal Studies


Legal Maxims

This is a very strong rule which means no one will be judged without a fair hearing. The motive of this maxim is to provide an opportunity for another party to respond to the evidence against him. Which of the following legal maxim is being referred to here?
Audi alterem partum
Locus standi
Ejusdem Generis
Damnum Sine Injuria
Correct Answer:
Audi alterem partum
Audi alterem partum : This phrase literally means 'listen to the other side'. This is a very strong rule which means no one will be judged without fair hearing. The motive of this maxim is to provide an opportunity to other party to respond to the evidence against him. This phrase is an established principle in the Indian law practice and was applied by the Supreme Court in several cases including the landmark decision of Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India.