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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


OYO partnered with the Jammu and Kashmir administration to launch a rural tourism initiative. What this initiative is called ?


Weaving a Better Futur

Crown of Incredible India

Shared Planet

United India

Correct Answer:

Crown of Incredible India


The correct answer is Option (2) - Crown of Incredible India

The "Crown of Incredible India" initiative is a rural tourism initiative launched by OYO, in partnership with the Jammu and Kashmir administration. The aim of this initiative is to promote tourism in the rural areas of Jammu and Kashmir, thereby showcasing the region's natural beauty, cultural heritage, and unique experiences to travelers.

Rural tourism focuses on providing authentic and immersive experiences to travelers by allowing them to explore the countryside, interact with local communities, and participate in traditional activities. Through initiatives like "Crown of Incredible India," efforts are made to develop infrastructure, enhance amenities, and create opportunities for local communities to participate in and benefit from tourism.

This initiative is particularly significant for Jammu and Kashmir, as it not only promotes tourism but also contributes to the socio-economic development of rural areas. By attracting tourists to lesser-known destinations and encouraging them to explore off-the-beaten-path locations, the initiative aims to distribute the benefits of tourism more evenly across the region.

"Crown of Incredible India" serves as a platform to showcase the rich cultural heritage, natural landscapes, and warm hospitality of rural Jammu and Kashmir. It offers travelers a chance to experience the region's unique traditions, cuisine, handicrafts, and rural way of life, thereby enriching their travel experiences while supporting local communities.