Practicing Success

Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Land resources and Agriculture

Which of the following statement (s) is/are NOT true in respect of land as a resource?
the contribution of land in agricultural output is more compared to its contribution in the outputs in the other sectors.
lack of access to land is directly correlated with incidence of poverty in rural areas.
agriculture is a purely land based activity unlike secondary and tertiary activities
None of the above
Correct Answer:
None of the above
Land resource is more crucial to the livelihood of the people depending on agriculture:
(i) Agriculture is a purely land based activity unlike secondary and tertiary activities. In other words, the contribution of land in agricultural output is more compared to its contribution in the outputs in the other sectors. Thus, lack of access to land is directly correlated with incidence of poverty in rural areas.
(ii) Quality of land has a direct bearing on the productivity of agriculture, which is not true for other activities.
(iii) In rural areas, aside from its value as a productive factor, land ownership has a social value and serves as a security for credit, natural hazards or life contingencies, and also adds to the social status