Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Structural Change


Which of the following situation does not describe urban impact on villages in India?


There are villages in which a sizeable number of people have sought employment in far-off cities

Some villages have been totally uprooted

It does not stimulates a demand for houses and a market inside the village

It creates problem of ordering relationships between the native residents and the immigrants

Correct Answer:

It does not stimulates a demand for houses and a market inside the village


The correct answer is Option (3) → It does not stimulates a demand for houses and a market inside the village

Urban impact on villages often leads to changes in infrastructure, including the demand for housing and the establishment of markets within the village to cater to the needs of both native residents and migrants. Therefore, the statement contradicts the typical effects of urban influence on rural areas. The industrial towns which come up near villages result in an influx of immigrant workers, which also stimulates a demand for houses and a market inside the village.

Here's why the other options are more likely scenarios:

  • There are villages in which a sizeable number of people have sought employment in far-off cities: This is a common trend as people migrate to cities for better opportunities, impacting the village population.
  • Some villages have been totally uprooted: In extreme cases, urban expansion can lead to the displacement of entire villages to make way for development projects.
  • It creates problems of ordering relationships between the native residents and the immigrants: As cities grow, they can sprawl into peri-urban areas, bringing new residents and potentially causing social tensions if there's a lack of integration.