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Target Exam



Political Science




Which of the following statements is incorrect about the new demands for human rights?


They include demands for clean air and water.

They are often supported by the public.

They reflect moral outrage at the infringement of dignity.

They are only focused on economic rights.

Correct Answer:

They are only focused on economic rights.


The correct answer is Option 4 - They are only focused on economic rights.

The list of human rights which people have claimed has expanded over the years as societies face new threats and challenges. For instance, we are very conscious oday of the need to protect the natural environment and this has generated demands for rights to clean air, water, sustainable development, and the like. A new awareness about the changes which many people, especially women, children or the sick, face in times of war or natural crisis has also led to demands for a right to livelihood, rights of children and the like. Such claims express a sense of moral outrage about infringements of peoples’ dignity and they also act as a rallying call to people to try and extend rights to all human beings. We should not understate the extent and power of such claims. They often invoke wide support. You may have heard about the pop star Bob Geldof ’s recent appeal to western governments to end poverty in Africa and seen T.V. reports about the scale of support which he received from ordinary people

The text describes demands for environmental rights and rights in times of war or crisis, indicating that the new demands are not solely focused on economic rights.