Practicing Success

Target Exam





Accounts for Non Profit Organsiation


Which of the following is normally not a source of revenue for Non Profit Organizations?



Sale of Goods


Government Grant

Correct Answer:

Sale of Goods


The correct answer is option 2- Sale of Goods.

Normally Not for profit organisations are not engaged in any trading or business activities. The main sources of their income are subscriptions from members, donations, financial assistance from government and income from investments. Most of their transactions are in cash or through the bank. Such entities might sometimes carry on trading activities but the profits arising therefrom are used for further the service objectives. Thus, sale of goods is not a source of income for non profit organisation.



  • Subscription- Subscription is a membership fee paid by the member on annual basis. This is the main source of income of not for profit orgnisations. Subscription paid by the members is shown as receipt in the Receipt and Payment Account and as income in the Income and Expenditure Account. It may be noted that Receipt and Payment Account shows the total amount of subscription actually received during the year while the amount shown in Income and Expenditure Account is confined to the figure related to the current period only irrespective of the fact whether it has been received or not.
  • Legacy- Legacies is the amount received as per the will of a deceased person who may or may not specify the use of the amount. Legacies, use of which is specified are specific legacy and is shown in the balance sheet as liability. If the use is not specified it is considered as revenue nature and credited to income and expenditure account.
  • Government Grant- Schools, colleges, public hospitals, etc. depend upon government grant for their activities. The recurring grants in the form of maintenance grant is treated as revenue receipt (i.e. income of the current year) and credited to Income and Expenditure account. However, grants such as building grant are treated as capital receipt and transferred to the building fund account. It may be noted that some Not-for-Profit organisations receive cash subsidy from the government or government agencies. This subsidy is also treated as revenue income for the year in which it is received.