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General Test


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General Awareness


What is the name of our Galaxy?


Milky Way

Silver River

Akash Ganga

Any of the above

Correct Answer:

Any of the above


The correct answer is Option (4) - Any of the above

Our galaxy is commonly known as the Milky Way. It is a barred spiral galaxy that contains our solar system along with billions of other stars, planets, and celestial objects.

The Milky Way has been observed and studied for centuries by various cultures around the world, each with its own name and interpretation. Some of the different names for our galaxy include:

  1. Milky Way: This is the most commonly used name in English and is derived from the Latin term "Via Lactea," which means "Milky Road" or "Milky Circle."

  2. Silver River: This name is used in Chinese culture, where the Milky Way is known as the "Silver River" or "Yinhe."

  3. Akash Ganga: In Hindu mythology and Indian culture, the Milky Way is referred to as "Akash Ganga," which translates to "Ganges of the Sky." This name symbolizes the sacredness and significance of the Ganges River in Hinduism, likening it to a celestial river in the sky.