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Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Rajasthani Schools of Painting


Sawant Singh's poetry portrayed the theme of:

(A) Lovers

(B) Heroes and Heroines

(C) Royal archival of day to day events

(D) Chitrashalain (Art studios)

(E) Dipak Raga

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(A) only

(B) and (C) only

(D) only

(E) only

Correct Answer:

(A) only


The correct answer is Option 1- (A) only

Sawant Singh’s most celebrated and outstanding artist was  Nihal Chand. Nihal Chand worked for Sawant Singh between  1735 and 1757, and composed paintings on Sawant Singh’s  poetry that portrayed the theme of divine lovers—Radha  and Krishna, in courtly surroundings, often appearing tiny  in the vastness and minutiae of their panoramic landscape  settings. Kishangarh artists reveled in the depiction of vistas  in accentuated colours.

Sawant Singh composed devotional poetry on Krishna and Radha in Brajbhasha under the pen name Nagari Das. He is said to have been passionately in love with a young singer, who was accorded the title ‘Bani Thani’, the bewitching lady of fashion, because of her unparalleled beauty and elegance. She was an attendant of Raj Singh’s wife and a gifted poetess, singer and dancer. Bani Thani was Sawant Singh’s muse for the poetry he wrote, celebrating the love of Radha and Krishna. He writes about her in a poem Bihari Jas Chandrika, which became the basis for Nihal chand’s painting of Bani Thani, thus, representing a blending of poetry and painting. Troubled by fratricidal conflict, Sawant Singh, eventually, abdicated the throne in 1757 and retired to Vrindavan along with Bani Thani.