Practicing Success

Target Exam







Select the correct indirect form of the given sentence.

He said, “Manan came to college yesterday.”


He said that Manan came to college the previous day.

He said Manan was coming to college yesterday.

He said that Manan had come to college the previous day.

He said that Manan had came to college yesterday.

Correct Answer:

He said that Manan had come to college the previous day.


The correct indirect form of the given sentence is:

He said that Manan had come to college the previous day.

The other options are incorrect:

  • He said that Manan came to college the previous day. This is incorrect because the reported speech is in the past tense, not the past perfect tense.
  • He said Manan was coming to college yesterday. This is incorrect because the reported speech is describing an action that happened the day before the reporting verb, not an action that was happening at the same time.
  • He said that Manan had came to college yesterday. This is incorrect because the verb "had came" is not grammatically correct.