Practicing Success

Target Exam





Self and Personality


Arrange in sequence the tips in administrating the Thematic Apperception Test.

A. The Subject is asked to tell a story describing the situation presented in a picture.
B. A standard procedure is available for scoring TAT response.
C. The Test consists of 30 black and white picture cards and one blank card.
D. The cards are presented one at a time to the subject.
E. Each picture card depicts one or more people in a variety of situations.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


E, D, A, B, C

C, E, D, A, B

B, A, C, E, D

A, B, C, D, E

Correct Answer:

C, E, D, A, B


The correct sequence for administering the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is:

 C, E, D, A, B

  1. The test consists of 30 black and white picture cards and one blank card (C).
  2. Each picture card depicts one or more people in a variety of situations (E).
  3. The cards are presented one at a time to the subject (D).
  4. The subject is asked to tell a story describing the situation presented in a picture (A).
  5. A standard procedure is available for scoring TAT responses (B).