Practicing Success

Target Exam





Ancient India: Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings


In the context to ‘Mahayana Buddhism’ consider the following statements and state which one is/are true.
Statement I- Worshipping of images of the Buddha & Bodhisattas became important in their tradition.
Statement II- Literally, the meaning of Mahayana is the ‘Great Vehicles’.


Only Statement I

Only Statement II

Both Statements, I & II

Neither I nor II

Correct Answer:

Both Statements, I & II


The correct answer is Option 3 - Both Statements, I & II

Statement I- Worshipping of images of the Buddha & Bodhisattas became important in their tradition.
Statement II- Literally, the meaning of Mahayana is the ‘Great Vehicles’.

Bodhisattas were perceived as deeply compassionate beings who accumulated merit through their efforts but used this not to attain nibbana and thereby abandon the world, but to help others. The worship of images of the Buddha and Bodhisattas became an important part of this tradition. This new way of thinking was called Mahayana – literally, the “great vehicle”. Those who adopted these beliefs described the older tradition as Hinayana or the “lesser vehicle”.

Supporters of Mahayana regarded other Buddhists as followers of Hinayana. However, followers of the older tradition described themselves as theravadins, that is, those who followed the path of old, respected teachers, the theras.