Practicing Success

Target Exam







Select the option that best expresses the sentence in Direct Speech.

She bade her friends goodbye.


Goodbye, my friends, "She was saying to them"

"I am bidding you goodbye", she said to her friends

She said, "Goodbye, my friends".

"I will see you later," she told her friends

Correct Answer:

She said, "Goodbye, my friends".


The most accurate option that expresses the sentence in Direct Speech is:

OPTION 3 She said, "Goodbye, my friends".

  1. Goodbye, my friends, "She was saying to them"

    • This option is not in the correct format of direct speech. It is more of a narration of the action rather than a direct quote.
  2. "I am bidding you goodbye", she said to her friends

    • This option presents the sentence in direct speech, but it changes the tense of the original sentence. The original sentence is in the past tense, and this option is in the present continuous tense.
  3. She said, "Goodbye, my friends".

    • This option is the correct representation of the sentence in direct speech. It maintains the past tense of the original sentence and directly quotes what she said.
  4. "I will see you later," she told her friends

    • This option provides a different statement than the original sentence. It introduces a new line of dialogue, "I will see you later," which is not present in the original sentence.