Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Mass Media and Communication

Select a statement which describes the role of media imagined by the Independent Indian state.
The media was supposed to spread democratic ideals, fight against superstition and work for national development and national integration.
The media was not supposed to interfere in social and political issues.
The media was supposed to praise the newly formed state and the government which controlled it.
the media was supposed to find fault in the colonial government for all the problems in independent India.
Correct Answer:
The media was supposed to spread democratic ideals, fight against superstition and work for national development and national integration.
In independent India, Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister, called upon the media to function as the watchdog of democracy. The media was expected to spread the spirit of self-reliance and national development among the people. You will recall the general thrust of development in the early years of independence in India from your earlier chapters. The media was seen as a means to inform the people of the various developmental efforts. The media was also encouraged to fight against oppressive social practices like untouchability, child marriages, and ostracism of widows, as well as beliefs of witchcraft and faith healing. A rational, scientific ethos was to be promoted for the building of a modern industrial society. T