Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the best option of indirect speech for the sentence given:-

Sanjeev said, "I bought a saree for my mother."

A. Sanjeev said that he had bought a saree for his mother.
B. Sanjeev said that he was buying a saree for his mother.
C. Sanjeev said that he had been buying a saree for his mother.
D. Sanjeev said that he will be buy a saree for his mother.

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:


D only

C only

A only

B only

Correct Answer:

A only


The correct answer is Option (3) - A only

The best option of indirect speech for the sentence "Sanjeev said, 'I bought a saree for my mother.'" is: A. Sanjeev said that he had bought a saree for his mother.

In indirect speech, when reporting past events, the tense of the reporting verb ("said") and the verb in the reported speech ("bought") are shifted back according to the rules of sequence of tenses.
"I bought" changes to "he had bought" because the past simple tense ("bought") changes to past perfect tense ("had bought") in reported speech.
 Option A accurately reflects this tense shift and correctly reports what Sanjeev said.