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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants


Choose the correct statement from the following.


Chasmogamous flowers exclusively demonstrate geitonogamy.

Cleistogamous flowers exclusively demonstrate autogamy.

Cleistogamous flowers can exhibit both autogamy and geitonogamy.

Chasmogamous flowers never exhibit autogamy.

Correct Answer:

Cleistogamous flowers exclusively demonstrate autogamy.


The correct answer is Option (2) -Cleistogamous flowers exclusively demonstrate autogamy.

Cleistogamous flowers, which do not open at all, always exhibit autogamy.

The statement clarifies that cleistogamous flowers, by their nature of remaining closed, undergo autogamy, which is the self-fertilization of the flower's own pollen.

Regarding the other statements, they can be corrected as follows:

Chasmogamous flowers, which have exposed anthers and stigmas, can exhibit a variety of pollination mechanisms including autogamy, geitonogamy, or xenogamy. Autogamy refers to self-fertilization within the same flower, geitonogamy involves the transfer of pollen between flowers on the same plant, and xenogamy is the transfer of pollen between flowers of different plants.

Therefore, chasmogamous flowers have the potential for multiple types of pollination, depending on the specific conditions and interactions with pollinators or the surrounding environment.