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Target Exam



Business Studies



What is true of marketing management?
Marketing management generally is related to creation of demand.
In certain situations, the manager has to restrict the demand.
Both 1 and 2 are correct
None of the above
Correct Answer:
Both 1 and 2 are correct
Marketing management generally is related to creation of demand. However, in certain situations, the manager has to restrict the demand. For example, if there is a situation of ‘overfull demand’, i.e., the demand being more than what the company can or want to handle, (like what the situation in our country was before the adoption of policies of liberalization and globalisation, in early 90’s, in most consumer products be it automobiles or electronics goods or other durable products. The job of marketing mangers, in these situations would be to find ways to reduce the demand temporarily by say reducing the expenditure on promotion or increasing the prices