Practicing Success

Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition


Read the passage below and answer the questions as instructed:-

A driver in the army went through an experience that transformed his life. On one mission, he narrowly escaped death although all his companions got killed. Wondering about the purpose of his life he gave up his job in the army, returned to the native village in Maharashtra and worked actively as a community leader. His strong positive attitude towards community upliftinent and his efforts completely changed the face of his village for which he was awarded by the State government.

Which factor of attitude formation brought about a change in the driver’s attitude towards life?


Family and School Environment

Reference group

Media related information

Personal experience

Correct Answer:

Personal experience


The factor of attitude formation that brought about a change in the driver's attitude towards life is "Personal experience." The passage indicates that the driver's transformative experience, where he narrowly escaped death while his companions were killed, led him to wonder about the purpose of his life. This personal experience played a crucial role in shaping his positive attitude towards community upliftment, prompting him to give up his job in the army and work actively as a community leader.

The other factors listed, family and school environment, reference group, and media-related information, can also influence attitudes. However, personal experiences are often the most powerful factors in attitude formation. Personal experiences are vivid and memorable, and they can have a lasting impact on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

In the passage, the driver's personal experience of narrowly escaping death and seeing his companions killed was a catalyst for change. This experience forced him to confront his own mortality and to consider the meaning of life. It also made him aware of the suffering of others. As a result of this experience, he made a conscious decision to change his life and to dedicate himself to helping others.