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Target Exam





Organisms and Populations


Is the population of any species a static or dynamic phenomenon?


Static phenomenon

Dynamic phenomenon

Neither static nor dynamic

Both static and dynamic aspects.

Correct Answer:

Dynamic phenomenon


The population of a species is not a stable phenomenon but rather a dynamic one, continuously changing over time. This is primarily influenced by various factors such as immigration (movement of individuals into a population), emigration (movement of individuals out of a population), natality (birth rate), and mortality (death rate). These factors contribute to the fluctuations in population size and composition.

Immigration and natality increase the population by introducing new individuals, while emigration and mortality decrease the population by removing individuals. The interplay of these factors leads to changes in population density, distribution, and overall size.

Therefore, due to the constant movement and interaction of individuals within and between populations, the population of any species is considered a dynamic phenomenon, subject to continuous changes driven by these underlying factors.