Practicing Success

Target Exam





Human Health and Disease


What is the term used to describe the property of normal cells by virtue of which contact with other cells inhibits their uncontrolled growth?


Contact inhibition


Benign tumor


Correct Answer:

Contact inhibition


The correct answer is Opton (1) - Contact inhibition

The property described in the question is known as "contact inhibition." Contact inhibition refers to the phenomenon where normal cells stop dividing and growing when they come into contact with other cells. It is an important mechanism that helps maintain the balance and organization of cells in tissues.

When cells are in close proximity to each other, they send signals that regulate cell growth and proliferation. Contact between cells triggers signaling pathways that inhibit further cell division, preventing overcrowding and uncontrolled growth. This mechanism ensures that cells grow and divide in a controlled manner, maintaining the normal structure and function of tissues.

In contrast, cancer cells often lack contact inhibition. They continue to divide and grow uncontrollably, disregarding the presence of neighboring cells. This loss of contact inhibition is one of the hallmarks of cancer and contributes to the formation of tumors and the ability of cancer cells to invade surrounding tissues.

Overall, contact inhibition plays a crucial role in maintaining tissue homeostasis and preventing uncontrolled cell growth.