Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Contemporary Centres of power


Which of the following statements is true about ASEAN?
A- The objectives of ASEAN were primarily to accelerate economic growth and through that "social progress and cultural development."
B- Unlike the EU, there is little desire in ASEAN for supranational structures and institutions.
C- The respect for national sovereignty is critical to the functioning of ASEAN.
D- The ASEAN-India FTA came into effect in 2015.


A,B & D

B,C & D

A,C & D

A,B & C

Correct Answer:

A,B & C


The ASEAN-India FTA came into effect in 2010.ASEAN’s strength, however, lies in its policies of interaction and consultation with member states, with dialogue partners, and with other non-regional organisations.