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Grammar: Idioms


Match the idioms given in List I with their meanings from List II

List – I

List – II


 Put the cards on the table 


 Clear and definite


 Cut and dried


 Regret about a bad situation 


 Wring you hands


 Conceal nothing


 Steal a march


 Gain an advantage

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A - III, B - I, C - II, D - IV 

A - I, B - III, C - IV, D - II

A - III, B - II, C - IV, D - I

A - I, B - II, C - III, D - IV

Correct Answer:

A - III, B - I, C - II, D - IV 


The correct matching of idioms in List I with their meanings in List II is:

(A) Put the cards on the table - III. Conceal nothing

(B) Cut and dried - I. Clear and definite

(C) Wring your hands - II. Regret about a bad situation

(D) Steal a march - IV. Gain an advantage

Here's why:

  • Put the cards on the table: This idiom means to reveal all the information openly and transparently, leaving nothing hidden. Therefore, it matches meaning III.
  • Cut and dried: This idiom signifies a situation that is pre-determined or settled, leaving no room for uncertainty or change. Hence, it aligns with meaning I.
  • Wring your hands: This idiom describes the physical act of wringing one's hands in distress or worry. In a figurative sense, it implies regret, despair, or helplessness about a negative situation. Thus, it corresponds with meaning II.
  • Steal a march: This idiom means to gain an advantage or lead over someone by acting secretly or unexpectedly. Therefore, it fits meaning IV.