Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Influence and Group Processes


How do groups satisfy social and psychological needs?


By providing a sense of security

By offering knowledge and information

By giving attention, love, and power through the group

By establishing a positive social identity

Correct Answer:

By giving attention, love, and power through the group


Satisfaction of psychological and social needs: Groups satisfy social and psychological needs, such as a sense of belonging, giving and receiving attention, love, and power within the group.

Self-esteem: Groups contribute to individuals' feelings of self-worth and establish a positive social identity. Belonging to prestigious or valued groups enhances one's self-concept.

Security: Being part of a group reduces feelings of insecurity and provides a sense of comfort and protection. Being with others makes people feel stronger and less vulnerable to threats.

Knowledge and information: Group membership provides access to diverse knowledge and information, expanding an individual's perspective. Groups can supplement an individual's limited information by sharing different perspectives and expertise.