Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Influence and Group Processes


How does the matching of interests and hobbies contribute to forming friendships?


It reinforces and validates our opinions and values

It provides a sense of security and protection

It establishes a positive social identity

It creates a basis for shared activities and common ground

Correct Answer:

It creates a basis for shared activities and common ground


When people have similar interests and hobbies, they can engage in shared activities, which can foster a sense of connection and lead to the formation of friendships.

Similarity: Continued exposure to someone allows us to assess our similarities, leading to the formation of groups. Why do we tend to like people who are similar to us? Psychologists have offered various explanations. One explanation is that people prefer consistency and enjoy relationships that align with their own values. When two individuals share similarities, there is consistency, and they tend to develop mutual liking. For instance, if you enjoy playing cricket and find another person in your class who shares the same passion, there is a matching of interests, increasing the likelihood of friendship. Another explanation suggests that encountering similar individuals reinforces and validates our opinions and values, making us feel more confident and drawn to them. Suppose you hold the opinion that excessive television viewing, due to its portrayal of excessive violence, is detrimental. If you meet someone who shares this view, their agreement validates your opinion, leading to an affinity towards the person who supported your viewpoint.