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Structure of Atom


Which of the following is /are true as per Thompson's model of the atom?


An atom consists of a positively charged sphere with electrons embedded in it.

Negative and positive charges in the atom are equal in magnitude

Both options (1) and (2) are correct

None of the above

Correct Answer:

Both options (1) and (2) are correct


The correct answer is option 3. Both options (1) and (2) are correct.

J.J. Thomson's model of the atom, also known as the plum pudding model, proposed the following:

i. An atom consists of a positively charged sphere: This sphere was envisioned to be a uniform distribution of positive charge.

ii.Electrons are embedded in the sphere: These negatively charged electrons were thought to be scattered throughout the positively charged sphere.

iii. The overall atom is neutral: The number of negatively charged electrons balanced the positive charge, resulting in a neutral atom.

Therefore, both options 1 and 2 are true according to Thomson's model. However, it's important to remember that this model has been superseded by more accurate models like the Rutherford model and the Bohr model, which account for the existence of a nucleus and the specific energy levels of electrons.