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Modern Histoy


Who introduced Ilbert Bill in India?


Lord Ripon

Lord Curzon

Lord Dufferin

Lord Litton

Correct Answer:

Lord Ripon


The correct answer is Option 1- Lord Ripon

Lord Ripon introduced the Ilbert Bill in India in 1883.

The Ilbert Bill was a piece of legislation that sought to give Indian judges the power to try British subjects in criminal cases. The bill was controversial because it would have meant that British subjects could be tried by Indian judges who were not of European descent.

The Ilbert Bill was passed by the Legislative Council of India in 1883, but it was later amended to give British subjects the right to be tried by a jury of half Europeans and half Indians. The bill was also withdrawn after a wave of opposition from the British community in India.

The Ilbert Bill was a significant event in Indian history. It was one of the first attempts to give Indian judges the same powers as British judges. The bill also highlighted the growing tensions between the British and the Indian people.