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Target Exam





Medieval India: Through the Eyes of Travellers


Read the passage and answer the question :

An excerpt from Bernier's description of the peasantry in the countryside :

Of the vast tracts of country constituting the empire of Hindustan, many are little more than sand, or barren mountains, badly cultivated and thinly populated. Even a considerable portion of the good land remains untilled for want of labourers; many of whom perish in consequence of the bad treatment they experience from Governors. The poor people, when they become incapable of discharging the demands of their rapacious lords, are not only often deprived of the means of subsistence, but are also made to lose their children, who are carried away as slaves. Thus, it happens that the peasantry, driven to despair by so excessive a tyranny, abandon the country.

According to Bernier, the condition of peasants under Mughals were:






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (2) → Miserable

As per the passage:

According to Bernier, the condition of peasants in that region was described as "miserable." He points out several factors contributing to their misery:

[1]. The land is poorly cultivated and thinly populated, with much of it being little more than sand or barren mountains. This suggests that the peasants may have limited access to fertile land for farming.

[2]. A considerable portion of the land remains untilled due to a lack of laborers, which implies that there is a scarcity of agricultural workers.

[3]. Peasants suffer from bad treatment from the Governors, who are described as "rapacious lords." This means that they are subject to exploitation and mistreatment by the ruling authorities.

[4]. The poor people are not only deprived of the means of subsistence, but they also have their children taken away as slaves. This indicates severe hardships and suffering experienced by the peasants.