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Target Exam





Grammar: Formation of Sentence


Choose the correct Exclamatory form of the following Assertive Sentence:

It is a very good idea.


How good idea!

What a good idea!

Hurrah what a good idea!

O good Idea!

Correct Answer:

What a good idea!


The correct answer is Option (2) → What a good idea!

Let us break down each option to understand why option (2) is the correct answer:

1. How good idea!: This option lacks the correct structure for an exclamatory sentence. The word order is incorrect, and it does not effectively convey the sense of admiration or surprise.

2. What a good idea!: This option effectively transforms the assertive sentence into an exclamatory one by using "What a" to express admiration or surprise. The structure "What a [adjective] [noun]!" is commonly used to create exclamatory sentences, indicating intense feeling or emotion.

3. Hurrah what a good idea!: While this option adds an interjection ("Hurrah"), it is not necessary for forming an exclamatory sentence. The structure "What a good idea!" is sufficient to convey admiration or surprise.

4. O good Idea!: This option is grammatically incorrect. It lacks the correct structure for an exclamatory sentence, and the interjection "O" is not typically used in this context.

Overall, option (2) "What a good idea!" is the correct answer as it effectively transforms the assertive sentence into an exclamatory one while maintaining the intended meaning and intensity of feeling.