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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


The bill which provide for the trial of British or European person by Indians was ____.


Hastings Bill

Dalhousie Bill

Ilbert Bill

George Bill

Correct Answer:

Ilbert Bill


The correct answer is Option 3- Ilbert Bill

The bill which provided for the trial of British or European persons by Indians was the Ilbert Bill.

The bill was introduced in the Legislative Council of India in 1883 by Sir Courtenay Ilbert, the Law Member of the Viceroy's Council. The bill proposed to give Indian judges the same jurisdiction over British and European subjects as they had over Indian subjects.

The bill was widely opposed by British settlers in India, who feared that it would subject them to unfair treatment by Indian judges. The British government also opposed the bill, and it was eventually withdrawn in 1884.

The Ilbert Bill was a controversial piece of legislation, but it was also a significant event in the history of Indian nationalism. It showed that Indians were demanding equal rights under the law, and it paved the way for further reforms in the future.

The bill was not passed, but it is seen as a landmark in the Indian independence movement. It was the first time that the British government had been forced to consider the issue of Indian self-rule. The bill also helped to unite Indians against British rule.