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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which chemical law proposes that 'soft drinks and soda bottles are sealed under high pressure to increase the solubility of CO2'?


Dalton’s law

Henry's law

Ohm's law

Raoult’s law

Correct Answer:

Henry's law


The correct answer is option 2. Henry's law.

The chemical law that proposes that 'soft drinks and soda bottles are sealed under high pressure to increase the solubility of \(CO_2\)' is Henry's law

Henry's law states that the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas above the liquid. In the case of soft drinks and soda bottles, carbon dioxide \((CO_2)\) gas is dissolved in the liquid (the soda) under high pressure. This increased pressure allows more \(CO_2\) molecules to dissolve in the liquid, resulting in a fizzy or carbonated beverage. As the bottle is sealed, the pressure above the liquid remains high, maintaining the dissolved \(CO_2\) in the liquid. When the bottle is opened, the sudden decrease in pressure causes the \(CO_2\) to come out of solution, producing the characteristic fizzing or effervescence.