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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: India's External Relations


Which of the following accurately describes India's nuclear testing and its subsequent consequences?


India conducted nuclear tests in collaboration with other nuclear powers to establish global dominance.

The international community imposed sanctions on India after its nuclear tests in 1998.

India's nuclear tests were met with applause and support from the international community.

India's nuclear tests led to the signing of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).

Correct Answer:

The international community imposed sanctions on India after its nuclear tests in 1998.


The correct answer is option 2- The international community imposed sanctions on India after its nuclear tests in 1998.

"India has consistently opposed international treaties aimed at non-proliferation due to their selective applicability to non-nuclear states, which perpetuated the dominance of the five established nuclear powers. As a result, India objected to the indefinite extension of the NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty) in 1995 and refrained from signing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).

In May 1998, India conducted a series of nuclear tests, showcasing its ability to harness nuclear energy for military purposes. This move was mirrored by Pakistan shortly thereafter, escalating the potential risk of a nuclear conflict in the region. The global community strongly criticized these nuclear tests in South Asia, leading to sanctions imposed on both India and Pakistan. However, these sanctions were later lifted.

India's nuclear doctrine revolves around maintaining a credible minimum nuclear deterrence strategy, emphasizing a policy of "no first use." Additionally, this doctrine underscores India's commitment to worldwide nuclear disarmament that is transparent, verifiable, and impartial, with the ultimate goal of achieving a world free from nuclear weapons."