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Target Exam



Business Studies


Principles of Management

According to Taylor, “each specialist is to be assigned work according to his/her qualities, the employees who possess technical mastery should be involved in planning work whereas those with energy and good health may be assigned execution work.” Name the related technique or principle of scientific management.
Functional foremanship
Science, not rule of thumb
Development of each and every person to his or her greatest efficiency and prosperity
None of the above
Correct Answer:
Functional foremanship
Taylor concentrated on improving the performance of this role in the factory set-up. He identified a list of qualities of a good foreman/supervisor and found that no single person could fit them all. This prompted him to suggest functional foremanship through eight persons. Each specialist is to be assigned work according to her/his qualities. For example, those with technical mastery, intelligence and grit may be given planning work. Those with energy and good health may be assigned execution work.