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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Regional Aspirations


In the North-East, regional aspirations reached a turning point in 1980s. This region now consists of seven States, also referred to as the ‘seven sisters’. The region has only 4 per cent of the country’s population but about twice as much share of its area. A small corridor of about 22 kilometers connects the region to the rest of the country. Otherwise the region shares boundaries with China, Myanmar and Bangladesh and serves as India’s gateway to South East Asia. The region has witnessed a lot of change since 1947. The Partition of India in 1947 had reduced the North-East to a land locked region and affected its economy. Cut off from the rest of India, the region suffered neglect in developmental terms. Its politics too remained insulated. At the same time, most States in this region underwent major demographic changes due to influx of migrants from neighbouring States and countries

Who became the first Chief Minister of the newly created State of Mizoram in 1987?


Kazi Lhendup Dorji Khangsarpa

Bodhichandra Sen

Angami Zaphu Phizo

Lal Denga

Correct Answer:

Lal Denga


In 1986 a peace agreement was signed between Rajiv Gandhi and Laldenga. As per this accord Mizoram was granted full-fledged statehood with special powers and
the MNF agreed to give up the secessionist struggle. Laldenga took over as the Chief Minister (1987).