Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Medieval History


Who was the founder of Bahamani Kingdom?


Muhammad Shah-I

Alauddin Hassan Bahaman Shah

Feroz Shah Bahmani

Mohammad Bahaman

Correct Answer:

Alauddin Hassan Bahaman Shah


The correct answer is Option 2- Alauddin Hassan Bahaman Shah

The founder of the Bahamani Kingdom was Alauddin Hasan Bahaman Shah.

Alauddin Hasan Bahaman Shah was a military officer in the Delhi Sultanate under Muhammad bin Tughlaq. In 1347, he rebelled against the Sultan and established the independent Bahamani Kingdom in the Deccan region of India. The Bahamani Kingdom lasted for over 170 years and was one of the most powerful kingdoms in medieval India.

The other rulers you mentioned were all successors of Alauddin Hasan Bahaman Shah:

  • Muhammad Shah-I: Second ruler of the Bahamani Kingdom
  • Feroz Shah Bahmani: Third ruler of the Bahamani Kingdom
  • Mohammad Bahaman: Twelfth ruler of the Bahamani Kingdom