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Grammar: Idioms


Choose the correct meaning of the following idiom:

An apple of discord


cause of wealth

cause of illness

cause of happiness

cause of quarrel

Correct Answer:

cause of quarrel


The correct meaning of the idiom an apple of discord is a cause of quarrel.

The idiom originated from Greek mythology. In the story, Eris, the goddess of discord, threw a golden apple inscribed with the words "For the fairest" into a banquet of the gods. This caused a quarrel between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, each of whom believed that she was the fairest. The quarrel eventually led to the Trojan War.

The idiom is now used to refer to anything that causes a quarrel or disagreement. For example, you might say that a particular piece of news was "an apple of discord" because it caused people to argue about it.