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Grammar: Formation of Sentence


Rearrange the following in the correct sequence to form a meaningful sentence.

A. just a few weeks
B. research proves that reducing social media use reaps benefits as
C. cut their social media usage for
D. teens and adults who
E. saw significant improvement in their body image

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


B, D, E, C, A

D, C, A, E, B

B, D, C, A, E

A, C, D, B, E

Correct Answer:

B, D, C, A, E

The correct answer is option 3. B, D, C, A, E

The sentence would read: ""Research proves that reducing social media use reaps benefits as teens and adults who cut their social media usage for just a few weeks saw significant improvement in their body image."

The arranged sentence describes findings from research regarding the benefits of reducing social media use, particularly in relation to body image improvement. Here's a breakdown of the sentence:

1. "Research proves that reducing social media use reaps benefits as": This introductory phrase sets the context by stating that there are benefits associated with reducing social media usage.

2. "teens and adults who": This clause specifies the demographic group being studied, indicating that the research focuses on both teenagers and adults.

3. "cut their social media usage for": This part of the sentence describes the action taken by the individuals in the study, which is to reduce their social media usage.

4. "just a few weeks": This specifies the duration of time during which the individuals reduced their social media usage, indicating that it was only for a short period.

5. "saw significant improvement in their body image": This phrase presents the outcome of the research, highlighting that those who reduced their social media usage experienced noticeable enhancements in their body image.

Overall, the sentence communicates the findings of research, indicating that individuals who reduced their social media usage for a few weeks, including both teenagers and adults, experienced significant improvements in their body image.