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Target Exam





Inorganic: D and F Block Elements


Match the entries of column I with appropriate entries of column II and choose the correct option out of the four options given.

Column I (Ion) Column II (Magnetic moment)
(A) Cu2+ (p) 2.9 BM
(B) Fe2+ (q) 4.0 BM
(C) Ni2+ (r) 1.8 BM
(D) Co2+ (s) 5.0 BM



A-r, B-s, C-p, D-q

A-p, B-q, C-r, D-s

A-s, B-q, C-p, D-r

A-q, B-r, C-s, D-p

Correct Answer:

A-r, B-s, C-p, D-q


The correct answer is option 1. A-r, B-s, C-p, D-q

Column I (Ion) Column II (Magnetic moment)
(A) Cu2+ (r) 1.8 BM
(B) Fe2+ (s) 5.0 BM
(C) Ni2+ (p) 2.9 BM
(D) Co2+ (q) 4.0 BM

(A) Cu2+: [Ar]3d9

No of unpaired electrons = 1

Magnetic moment = \(\sqrt{1(1+2)}\) = \(\sqrt{3}\) ≈ 1.8 BM

(B) Fe2+: [Ar]3d6

No of unpaired electrons = 4

Magnetic moment = \(\sqrt{4(4+2)}\) = \(\sqrt{24}\) ≈ 5.0 BM

(C) Ni2+: [Ar]3d8

No of unpaired electrons = 2

Magnetic moment = \(\sqrt{2(2+2)}\) = \(\sqrt{8}\) ≈ 2.9 BM

(D) Co2+: [Ar]3d7

No of unpaired electrons = 3

Magnetic moment = \(\sqrt{3(3+2)}\) = \(\sqrt{15}\) ≈ 4.0 BM