Practicing Success

Target Exam







Select the correct indirect form of the given sentence.


I said to my friend, "Can you pick me up after work?"


I asked my friend if he could pick me up after work.

I asks my friend if he could pick me up after work.

I asked my friend if he can picked me up after work.

I ask my friend if he can pick me up after work.

Correct Answer:

I asked my friend if he could pick me up after work.


The correct indirect form of the given sentence is:

I asked my friend if he could pick me up after work.

The other options are incorrect for the following reasons:

  • I asks my friend if he could pick me up after work. The verb "asks" is in the present tense, but it should be in the past tense because it is reporting what you said to your friend in the past.
  • I asked my friend if he can picked me up after work. The verb "picked" is in the past tense, but it should be in the modal verb "could" because you are asking your friend if he is able to pick you up, not if he already has.
  • I ask my friend if he can pick me up after work. This is the direct form of the question, not the indirect form. In indirect speech, the reporting verb is usually in the past tense and the reported clause is in a subordinate tense.