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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Recent Developments in Indian Politics


What kind of riots occurred in Gujarat in February-March 2002?


Anti-Christian riots.

Anti-Hindu riots.

Anti-Muslim riots.

Anti-Sikh riots.

Correct Answer:

Anti-Muslim riots.


During the 1990s, a significant discussion has revolved around the utilization of religious sentiments for political gain in the context of elections. The foundation of India's democratic politics is rooted in the belief that all religious groups possess the liberty to align with any political party and that the formation of community-specific political parties is not endorsed. However, the democratic harmony encompassing religious diversity has encountered several trials since 1984. One instance of this disruption occurred in 1984 through the anti-Sikh riots. In a similar vein, violence against Muslims transpired in Gujarat during February-March 2002. Such instances of violence, targeting minority groups or instigating conflicts between communities, pose a substantial threat to the principles of democracy.