Practicing Success

Target Exam





Fundamentals of Human Geography: Transport and Communication


Identify from the following the statement which is not correct about the Rhine waterways.


It is navigable for 700 km.

It flows through a rich coalfield and the whole basin has become a prosperous manufacturing area.

Ocean-going vessels can reach upto Cologne.

It connects the industrial areas of Switzerland, France and Russia.

Correct Answer:

It connects the industrial areas of Switzerland, France and Russia.


The correct answer is Option (4) - It connects the industrial areas of Switzerland, France and Russia.

The Rhine flows through Germany and the Netherlands. It is navigable for 700 km (A) from Rotterdam, at its mouth in the Netherlands to Basel in Switzerland. Ocean-going vessels can reach up to Cologne (C). The Ruhr river joins the Rhine from the east. It flows through a rich coalfield and the whole basin has become a prosperous manufacturing area (B). Dusseldorf is the Rhine port for this region. Huge tonnage moves along the stretch south of the Ruhr. This waterway is the world’s most heavily used. Each year more than 20,000 ocean-going ships and 2,00,000 inland vessels exchange their cargoes. It connects the industrial areas of Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands (does not connect Russia) with the North Atlantic Sea Route .