Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following is an autobiography of the Indian boxer, Mary Kom?


Unbreakable: An Autobiography

Undisputed Truth

Playing it My Way

The Test of My Life

Correct Answer:

Unbreakable: An Autobiography


The correct answer is Option (1) - Unbreakable: An Autobiography

"Unbreakable: An Autobiography" is the autobiography of the Indian boxer Mary Kom. In this book, Mary Kom shares her inspiring life journey, detailing her struggles, triumphs, and dedication to the sport of boxing. She narrates her challenges, including overcoming societal barriers and personal obstacles, to become one of the most successful and celebrated boxers in the world. Through her autobiography, Mary Kom provides insights into her resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to her goals, inspiring readers with her story of perseverance and triumph.