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General Test


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Arunachal Pradesh of India shares international boundary with which of the following group of countries?


Myanmar, China, Nepal and Bhutan

Myanmar and China

Myanmar, China and Bhutan

Myanmar, China and Nepal

Correct Answer:

Myanmar, China and Bhutan


The correct answer is Option (3) - Myanmar, China and Bhutan

Arunachal Pradesh, a state located in the northeastern part of India, shares international boundaries with three neighboring countries: Myanmar, China, and Bhutan.

To the east of Arunachal Pradesh lies Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), with which it shares a boundary along its eastern border. The border with Myanmar stretches through mountainous terrain and dense forests, marking an important international boundary for both countries.

To the north of Arunachal Pradesh lies China, with which it shares a boundary along its northern border. The border with China extends through rugged and remote Himalayan regions, forming another significant international boundary for both countries.

To the west of Arunachal Pradesh lies Bhutan, with which it shares a boundary along its western border. The border with Bhutan traverses through hilly terrain and forested areas, marking yet another important international boundary for both countries.

These international boundaries have significant geopolitical implications for Arunachal Pradesh. They influence the state's relations with neighboring countries, as well as various aspects of its socio-economic and security dynamics. Additionally, the borders also present challenges related to border management, security, and cross-border interactions.