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Target Exam



Business Studies




Read the following passage and answer question.

Mr. Thaapar is the General Manager of a company named XYZ Ltd. for 12 years. He manages 150 employees with his effective leadership, motivation and communication. He encourages his sub-ordinates in decision-making and respects everyone's ideas and opinions. Once, while passing by the production department, Mr. Thaapar overheard Mr. Rohan, foreman of production department, was discussing about his financial condition on phone with his friend. Mr. Thaapa• decided to give him the necessary help in near future in the upcoming appraisal in the form of increased incentive bonus. He also observed that Ms. Heena, Sr. Executive, is very much excited whenever she is given challenging work. Mr. Thaapar decided to reward her in the best possible way and hence he sent her an email stating about her promotion to a higher level. Which gave her more autonomy and power.

What type of leader Mr. Thaapar is ?


Autocratic Leader

Democratic Leader

Laissez faire leader

Authoritarian Leader

Correct Answer:

Democratic Leader


The correct answer is option (2) : Democratic Leader

A. Autocratic Leader - An autocratic leader is a type of leadership style characterized by a centralized decision-making process, where the leader holds significant power and authority and typically makes decisions without the input or participation of others. In an autocratic leadership style, the leader exercises strict control over the decision-making process, often with little or no input from subordinates or team members.

B. Democratic Leader - A democratic leader is a type of leader who encourages active participation and input from group members or subordinates when making decisions. This leadership style is characterized by inclusiveness, collaboration, and a focus on empowering team members to contribute to the decision-making process.

C. Laissez faire leader Laissez-faire leadership is a hands-off leadership style where the leader takes a more passive approach and provides minimal guidance or direction to the team. In this approach, the leader delegates most decision-making authority to the team members, allowing them to work independently and make decisions without much interference.

D. Authoritarian Leader - It is a another name for Autocratic leader defined above.