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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which Education Commission argued that European learning would improve the moral character of Indians?


Linlithgow Commission

Ramsay Macdonald Award

Wood's Despatch

Irwin Report

Correct Answer:

Wood's Despatch


The correct answer is Option 3- Wood's Despatch

Wood's Despatch argued that European learning would improve the moral character of Indians.

Wood's Despatch, also known as the Magna Carta of English Education in India, was a despatch sent by Charles Wood, the President of the Board of Control, to Lord Dalhousie, the Governor-General of India, in 1854. The despatch outlined a comprehensive plan for the development of education in India.

One of the key features of Wood's Despatch was its emphasis on English education. The despatch argued that English education would help to improve the moral character of Indians. It would also help to produce a class of Indians who could be employed in the civil service and other professions.

Wood's Despatch had a major impact on the development of education in India. It led to the establishment of a number of English-language schools and colleges. It also led to the development of a new curriculum that was based on the English model.

However, Wood's Despatch was also criticized by some Indians. They argued that it gave too much emphasis to English education and neglected Indian languages and culture. They also argued that the despatch would create a class of Indians who were alienated from their own culture.